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Hey Love, 

I'm Marci Grayson, LMHC
& Certified Hypnotherapist

I value the experience of being me through the God given awareness of being sensitive to the path that people are on, to read between the lines of their soul and make it clear for them to make a choice, make a decision, and make an inspired move.

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I'm a  Licensed Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Wholeness Mentor/Coach, life long researcher/student, enthusiastic intuitive encourager,  mother who's loving living from her imagination, connection and creation. 


I have been able to be open to our universal wholeness since I was 8 years old. Over the last 20 years I've been using our energetic connections and intuitive guidance to help encourage and transform  lives. 



Just like you, I had some things to overcome

At some point I had to take responsibility in the role I played in my own suffering.

And own the truth of not trusting.


What Stopped me from getting here sooner

Being too busy managing life and living on automatic, while trying to make a difference in other people’s lives.


Being immersed in depression/suicidal thoughts, multiple miscarriages and life I didn’t want to live.


Living a designed copy of other people's dreams, expectations and "If/Then" syndrome; you know, If this would change then I could be happy.


Running from a pattern of shame, and not acknowledging my power, strengths and gifts or listening and following my soul's desires


& especially what really mattered to me. 


I woke up whole, worthy and ready...

One day after being forced to wake up. My awareness expanded to knowing who I am, how I operate in this life and being able to move in resolved action.



It led me to explore the success of previous clients, researching and studying with spirit-led visionaries living in their possibilities. I studied the art of living as an energy being, chakra healing, and various meditation trance approaches. I developed my intuition through tuning into my spiritual abilities, becoming a Master Reiki Energy Therapist, studying shamanic practices, brain/body coherence, energy psychology and other sciences like quantum physics. I did all of this to find more effective ways to live and be of more service to others. 



 It became clear that it's natural for us to resonate with spiritual well being to amplify and ignite the quality of life. Using our experiences in life, struggles, strengths, gifts, and talents along with knowing we are energy/spiritual beings who have to take action to live the life we were meant for.


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Which Brings me to you, It's always been about you being you

I integrate all that I'm experiencing, learning and continuously developing through this journey of life (we are all growing, there’s layers to this thing); to demystifying what fully living in your potential as an infinite energy being means; to encourage you to grasp and embody your wholeness, and natural states of being.


All through the simplicity of connection by perspective, presence and possibility.


      Elevate how you see life (perspective)​ 


            Transform how you show up in life (presence) 


             Accelerate how you receive in life (possibilities)



it takes you choosing…

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What they're Saying

This client emailed me to say...

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible gifts, Marci. Your “Mindfulness, Meditation and Reiki" session met an abundance of needs for self care and interconnectedness.

It is inspiring how much you embody these practices and generously contribute to sharing this with others. Your voice is incredibly soothing and it is impossible to not lean into the moment and focus on our inner and collective energy and wisdom. It is comforting to know you are out there interacting in the world with your beautiful, authentic self and making the world a better place, one precious connection at a time. So grateful our paths crossed and became interconnected. Thank you for being you and for inspiring everyone to be the best they can be. With so much love and gratitude.


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