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Here's a gentle reminder... 
You're a spirit-led disruptor.

You make sense, your visions are meant to disrupt and lead into massive, sustainable impact in the world.


Start Right Now.
Elevate, Transform and Accelerate Your Life

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Clarity Session


This  dynamic 60 minute intensive session will focus on unveiling the vision that’s been placed inside of you, while building motivation, clarity and resolve for your next inspired action steps. 

Investment $347  

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Intuitive Coaching
& Mentoring


Initial Session: We will be focusing on where you are today and what you desire to shift.

​What's Next: From there your sessions will take you deeper through your layers of transformation focusing on moving in a purposed direction, revealing patterns and stories holding you back and disrupting them so you can move with more ease and flow following your soul's guidance. You will also deepen your understanding of how you use your intuition, your formula for manifesting what you desire.  In addition, you will be given personalized soul work to take you to your next level and a concise laser focused follow up session to embrace accountability and soul-provoking encouragement.

Investment $1297
3 sessions with a laser session.

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What they're Saying

Marci is such a genuine person, from the first day that we met she was able to read my husband and I like she’s known us for a while, I was honestly blown away.

This client emailed me to say...

Jen Miller

Your soul is saying you have more capabilities

Your external skills, talents, experience and expertise is your natural ability to move in the physical environment and developing and optimizing what you already do boosts confidence and awareness

Your soul says you have to make a choice

Be willing to embrace the distribution of the unknown get comfortable with taking steps outside of what's comfortable for you when you get that inner pull to do something different... it's trying to elevate,  transform and accelerate you into the life you really want.

Your soul says you have a greater capacity

There's more to you than just natural abilities, there’s a knowing that guides you and reminds you that you are abundance, the overflow you're brilliant and have everything you need and desire to flow in your zone of genius, and effortlessly create what you desire

Your soul says follow your  Whole YES,

it's satisfying, it's confidence, it's success with effortless ease and peace

It's the knowing by listening and following your infinite self and possibilities then taking a brave step beyond the familiar. It will take you being willing to see things differently, investing in yourself, being fully honest about what you want and being willing to take action even with the demands on your attention.  

Instead of forcing your way through life trying to make something happen you move through the layers of transformation with clarity and knowing from your core that life is supporting you and it was meant for you.  You  Start receiving from knowing you're whole worthy and ready.

We all have a natural way of flowing from our  wholeness, creating & receiving abundance

We all have a conscious desire to live and take action from a place that is meaningful to us. 

But your unconscious mind defines the meaning behind your story, so you end up living out stories that become your patterns, blocks and resistance to what you know is possible.

Your strengths' the way you experience life and your zone of brilliance, helps you to tap into that layer of transformation that is uniquely you. Using strength led approaches, allows you to elevate your awareness and gets you in flow of  effective purposeful direction, while outgrowing the overwhelm.

Using universal principles, intuitive guidance, quantum energy work  will help you to demystify our energetic make-up, your relationship with what's possible and disrupt the stories, patterns and blocks that are keeping you stagnate. 

Using The Whole Yes Approach, embracing your unique strengths and flowing in your zone of brilliance, while using energy work will move you through the layers of transformation so you can effortlessly reveal your manifestation formula and take action on your bold visions.


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It's time to flow from your wholeness. take action and create an effortless ease in your life. 
When you live in your wholeness you shift and begin to flow in evaluated perspectives,  embody your powerful presence, & you accelerate manifesting your possibilities.

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     I'm Marci

 I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Intuitive Wholeness Coach, Master Reiki Energy Therapist, Meditation Coach, life long researcher/student and enthusiastic intuitive encourager.

I support conscious creators, leaders and  spirit-led disruptors to embrace the disruption, move through the layers of transformation, while unveiling your manifestation formula so that you unleash your souls brilliance, ignite from your full potential, and create a life worth.

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Please contact me for more information a  

    Subject Line: Marci Grayson Speaks

Group Trainings/Retreats/Workshops

Finally Be Group Intensives are customized for your group purposes. I utilized integrated techniques from energy therapy, mindfulness, mediation and therapeutic approaches (this is not therapy). Minimum 10 people per group, customizable service total investment will vary,

Invite Me to Speak

I focus on empowering the collective to live whole worthy and ready to receive. My mission is to demystify our universal connection,  deepen our intuition and simply live life with effortless joy, abundance and connection. 

Speaking Titles:

*Whole Worthy and Ready, redefining your success while living in your purpose.

*Owning your Presence, 4 principles of living in your overflow and freedom from overwhelm. 

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What they're Saying

This client emailed me to say...

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible gifts, Marci. Your “Mindfulness, Meditation and Reiki" session met an abundance of needs for self care and interconnectedness.



It is inspiring how much you embody these practices and generously contribute to sharing this with others. Your voice is incredibly soothing and it is impossible to not lean into the moment and focus on our inner and collective energy and wisdom. It is comforting to know you are out there interacting in the world with your beautiful, authentic self and making the world a better place, one precious connection at a time. So grateful our paths crossed and became interconnected. Thank you for being you and for inspiring everyone to be the best they can be. With so much love and gratitude

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